
"Jardin des Plantes" of París

In the delightful Paris there are innumerable green corners, and among them stand out their imposing and well-kept gardens. The Royal Palace, the Tuleirias, the Luxembourg park ... and of course Versailles. But there is a garden that is less known and, for that reason, less beautiful that you should not miss out on for those who love and value the plants and trees. It is the Garden des Plantes, the Royal Garden of Medicinal Plants created nothing more and nothing less than in 1635, according to a royal edict: an initiative at the instigation of Jean Hérouard (first doctor of King Louis XIII) and Guy de la Brosse (his usual doctor).

The garden is one of the oldest scientific bodies of France under the reign of Louis XVI, becoming a true center of research. Still today, the Jardin des Plantes is a place where hundreds of plants and flowers of all kinds abound, one of which is more beautiful. Stroll through this pleasant and elegant garden, one step away from the Seine, with tree-lined boulevards trimmed in the shape of curtain is one of those things that you should not stop doing. In addition it is not invaded by tourists, and just take the Metro and get off at the Gare d'Austerlitz, or Place Monge. Such a pleasure for the senses.